A generic type of credentials. In general please extend from BaseCredentials rather than implement this interface. The interface is provided:
42Crunch REST API Static Security Testing Plugin: com.
42Crunch REST API Static Security Testing Plugin: com.
Alauda DevOps Pipeline Plugin: com.
Alibaba Cloud Credentials Plugin: com.
Amazon ECR Plugin: com.
Amazon S3 Bucket Credentials Plugin: uk.
Amazon S3 Bucket Credentials Plugin: uk.
Anka Plugin: com.
Appetize.io Plugin: org.
Apprenda Plugin: com.
AssertThat BDD Jira Plugin: io.
AssertThat BDD Jira Plugin: io.
AWS CodeBuild Plugin: com.
AWS CodeBuild Plugin: .
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Azure Credentials Ext Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Ext Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Ext Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Credentials Plugin: com.
Azure Key Vault Plugin: org.
Azure Key Vault Plugin: org.
Azure Storage Plugin: com.
Bitbucket Server Integration Plugin: com.
Bitbucket Server Integration Plugin: com.
BlazeMeter Plugin: hudson.
BlazeMeter Plugin: hudson.
BrowserStack Plugin: com.
Build Token Trigger Plugin: org.
Build Token Trigger Plugin: org.
Checkmarx AST Scanner Plugin: com.
Checkmarx AST Scanner Plugin: com.
CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin: com.
CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin: com.
CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin: com.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
ConjurSimpleIntegration Plugin: org.
ConjurSimpleIntegration Plugin: org.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
CRX Content Package Deployer Plugin: org.
CRX Content Package Deployer Plugin: org.
CRX Content Package Deployer Plugin: org.
CRX Content Package Deployer Plugin: org.
CRX Content Package Deployer Plugin: org.
Docker Commons Plugin: org.
Docker Plugin: com.
Dotcom-Monitor LoadView Plugin: com.
Dotcom-Monitor LoadView Plugin: com.
Frugal Testing Plugin: io.
Frugal Testing Plugin: io.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Gitee Plugin: com.
Gitee Plugin: com.
GitHub Branch Source Plugin: org.
GitHub Branch Source Plugin: org.
GitLab Branch Source Plugin: io.
GitLab Branch Source Plugin: io.
GitLab Plugin: com.
GitLab Plugin: com.
Google Authenticated Source Plugin: com.
Google Container Registry Auth Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
HCL AppScan Plugin: com.
HCL AppScan Plugin: com.
HeadSpin Plugin: io.
HuaweiCloud ECS Plugin: io.
HuaweiCloud ECS Plugin: io.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud for CI/CD by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud for CI/CD by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud for CI/CD by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
Keeper Secrets Manager Plugin: io.
Kubernetes Continuous Deploy Plugin: com.
Kubernetes Credentials Plugin: org.
Kubernetes Credentials Plugin: org.
Kubernetes Plugin: org.
Kubernetes Plugin: org.
Kubernetes Plugin: org.
Load Impact Plugin: com.
Load Testing CI/CD Plugin by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
Load Testing CI/CD Plugin by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
Load Testing CI/CD Plugin by LoadFocus Plugin: com.
Loadium Plugin: com.
OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
OctoPerf Load Testing Plugin: org.
OctoPerf Load Testing Plugin: org.
OpenID Connect Provider Plugin: io.
OpenID Connect Provider Plugin: io.
OpenID Connect Provider Plugin: io.
OpenShift Client Plugin: com.
OpenShift Sync Plugin: io.
OpenShift Sync Plugin: io.
OpenStack Cloud Plugin: jenkins.
OpenStack Cloud Plugin: jenkins.
OpenStack Cloud Plugin: jenkins.
OpenStack Cloud Plugin: jenkins.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Plugin: com.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Plugin: com.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials Plugin: org.
Perfecto Plugin: io.
Performance Signature: Dynatrace Plugin: de.
Performance Signature: Dynatrace Plugin: de.
Plain Credentials Plugin: org.
Plain Credentials Plugin: org.
Plain Credentials Plugin: org.
Plain Credentials Plugin: org.
Publish Over Dropbox Plugin: org.
Publish Over Dropbox Plugin: org.
Rally Plugin: com.
Rally Plugin: com.
Rapid7 InsightAppSec Plugin: io.
Rapid7 InsightAppSec Plugin: io.
Red Hat Codeready Dependency Analysis Plugin: redhat.
Red Hat Codeready Dependency Analysis Plugin: redhat.
Redeploy Rancher2.x Workload Plugin: io.
Redeploy Rancher2.x Workload Plugin: io.
Release Helper Plugin: rocks.
Release Helper Plugin: rocks.
Rigor Optimization Website Performance Testing Plugin: org.
Rigor Optimization Website Performance Testing Plugin: org.
Sauce OnDemand Plugin: hudson.
Snyk Security Plugin: io.
Snyk Security Plugin: io.
Spotinst Plugin: hudson.
Spotinst Plugin: hudson.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
SSH Credentials Plugin: com.
TestingBot Plugin: testingbot.
Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin: com.
Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin: com.
Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin: com.
Thycotic Secret Server Plugin: com.
Tuleap API Plugin: io.
Tuleap API Plugin: io.
Xcode integration Plugin: au.
Xcode integration Plugin: au.
Xcode integration Plugin: au.
Yet Another Docker Plugin: com.
Yet Another Docker Plugin: com.
Zoho Sprints Plugin: io.
Zoho Sprints Plugin: io.
An extension point for providing Credentials .
Alauda DevOps Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Amazon ECR Plugin: com.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Azure Key Vault Plugin: org.
Conjur Secrets Plugin: org.
Credentials Plugin: Anonymous class in com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Folders Plugin: com.
GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Google Authenticated Source Plugin: com.
Google Container Registry Auth Plugin: com.
HashiCorp Vault Plugin: com.
Kubernetes Credentials Provider Plugin: com.
Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean Plugin: io.
A filter of CredentialsProvider instances used by CredentialsProviderManager to determine which providers are active.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
A filter of CredentialsDescriptor types scoped to specific CredentialsProvider instances used by CredentialsProviderManager to determine which types are applicable to each provider.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
An extension point to allow plugging in additional resolution of ModelObject instances.
Credentials Plugin: Anonymous class in com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Some credential types can store some of the credential details in a file outside of Jenkins. Taking a snapshot of the credential ensures that all the details are captured within the credential. For example com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.CertificateCredentialsImpl can use different keystores implementations to hold the certificate. Calling #snapshot(Credentials) resolve the actual source into a source like com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.CertificateCredentialsImpl.UploadedKeyStoreSource which is self contained.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider Plugin: io.
Azure Key Vault Plugin: org.
Azure Key Vault Plugin: org.
Kubernetes Continuous Deploy Plugin: com.
A filter of CredentialsDescriptor types used by CredentialsProviderManager to determine which types are active.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Base class for all requirements that can be fulfilled by Domain s.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Docker Commons Plugin: org.
GCloud SDK Plugin: com.
Google Authenticated Source Plugin: com.
Google Authenticated Source Plugin: com.
Google Cloud Build Plugin: com.
Google Cloud Storage Plugin: com.
Google Compute Engine Plugin: com.
Google Container Registry Auth Plugin: com.
Google Deployment Manager Plugin: com.
Google Deployment Manager Plugin: com.
Google Kubernetes Engine Plugin: com.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Kubernetes Credentials Plugin: Anonymous class in org.
OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean Plugin: io.
Base class for a specification against which DomainRequirement s can be tested.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Credentials Plugin: com.
Docker Commons Plugin: org.
Google OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
OAuth Credentials Plugin: com.
Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean Plugin: io.